It Works!

itworksI got a new job today!! I am the newest “Wrapeneur” for It Works, a natural health and beauty company.  It’s a job I can do when Kenzie is napping and it’s perfect to take on the road with me. It’s a Christian based company designed to change lives through health and relationships. It excites me to have another way to bring God into the conversation. Plus I love the products! Win win! Check it out at  Let me know what you think and if you are interested in having your own wrap party! Imagine the fun wrap parties will be in the rig!! Ha! So excited.

3 thoughts on “It Works!

    • Hey Rachel! Thanks!! I will absolutely want to show you these products. They are plant based, focus on an alkaline body and support detoxification. I think you will see the value of them. They would of course be great with a macrobiotic lifestyle. I’ve been wanting to get together. I’ll text you and we can figure something out!

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